Predictos is a European project funded under the programme European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation, kicking -off in January 2023 and lasting for 3 years.
Discovering newest and enhanced forms to analyse and treat cancer is among the top national and international priorities. PREDICTOS focus on the enhancement of the scientific and innovation excellence of CDRSP-PL aiming at the exploration and development of innovative solutions for an improved treatment of osteosarcoma (OS), the tumour that most affects the youngest with lower cure success. By cooperating with three leading institutions, this project will encompass various knowledge sharing and capacity building activities:
- short staff exchanges for researchers and management/ administrative staff;
- networking events and meetings;
- training sessions;
- organization of workshops, summer/winter schools;
- coaching and mentoring sessions gathering senior and junior researchers;
- publication of scientific articles, and participation in conferences and general public’s events.
Also, the consortium will collaborate in an exploratory research project for develop and test 3D in vitro and in silico models to mimic OS, generating knowledge on novel therapeutic strategies to eliminate cancer cells.
PREDICTOS expects to benefit directly +400 senior and junior researchers and administrative staff from partners’ institutions; to involve +80 relevant stakeholders from Academia, Industry and Policy-Makingin networking activities; to reach +10.000 individuals through dissemination and communication activities. PREDICTOS is, in this way, aligned with the expected outcomes and impacts from Twinning Call and Destination, contributing to bridge the research and innovation gap between the European entities, improve research management and administrative skills, raise entities reputation and research excellence, and stimulate institutions to join efforts and co-innovate and establish more strategic research approaches and cooperation.