
In Progress


Portuguese Agency for Innovation

RN21 – Inovação na Fileira da Resina Natural para Reforço da Bioeconomia Nacional | 2022 – 2025

DDM4Glass – Direct Digital Manufacturing for Molds for Glass | 2019 – 2023

Add.Powder – New filaments based on metallic powders for additive manufacturing | 2019 – 2023

BioRobotBeads – Sistema Robotizado para a Produção de Biomateriais e Partículas | 2021 – 2023

ReinventO – Reinvent the way we build custom made Orthosis | 2019 – 2023

@AM.PPT – Additive manufacturing of big composite fiber parts | 2021 – 2023

Add.Mortar – Sistema de extrusão para fabrico aditivo com argamassa | 2022 – 2023

Eco4fibers – Materiais de isolamento térmico de base vegetal | 2022 – 2023

Add.CompFiber – Additive manufacturing of big composite fiber parts | 2021 – 2023

EcoPlast: Materiais compósitos ecoSustentáveis para substituição dos plásticos convencionais | 2021 – 2023

SpinningTNT: Linha de produção de TNT por electrospinning | 2020 – 2026

PAC: Portugal autoCluster for the future | 2020 – 2023

DigitalSTONE: Direct digital manufacturing approach for mass production of tailored stone based high value products | 2019 – 2023

ACE: Airborne clean energy systems | 2019 – 2022

Bio-Discus: Design and development of bioactive discs for the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders | 2019 – 2022

Zero.Mould: Integration of no manual strategies and technologies for high value automatization of mould precision adjustments | 2019 – 2022

Toolmax: Gestão e maximização do tempo de vida da ferramenta de corte | 2019 – 2022

AM4CER: Additive Manufacturing for Industrial Ceramics | 2020 – 2023

Leather.ADD.Wood: Produção de aglomerados híbridos de couro e madeira com acabamento superficial em couro | 2020 – 2023


European Comission



Portuguese Agency for Innovation

VIDROTEC 4.0: Indústria 4.0 na produção de vidro | 2020 – 2022

Morphing.Tech: Direct Digital Manufacturing of Automatic Programable and Continuously Adaptable Patterned Surfaces With Discrete and Padronized Composition | 2018 – 2022

Neptune.Controller: Smart system for water assisted injection moulding based on fluid flow and heat transfer | 2019 – 2022

DDM4GLASS: Direct digital manufacturing for glass | 2019 – 2022

ARTTE: Advanced Robotics/Tool Technology, and Eco-Efficiency | 2018 – 2022

AID.Visor: Fully sealed visor, perfected for the healthcare professional | 2020 – 2021

SafeBiotrash.Disposal: A safe and responsible way to gather group III biological residue | 2020 – 2021

CoPOLY: Polymers reinforced with copper to promote antimicrobial effect | 2020 – 2020

WOODSHAPE 4.0: Intelligent injection moulding on wood veeners | 2018 – 2021

PRINTbig: Flexible adaptative additive manufacturing system for production of large parts | 2018 – 2022

4D Composites: Intelligent molding of 4D components | 2018 – 2021

TT2V TransformTires2Value: Demonstration of the applicability of thermoplastics modified by powdered elastomer for high technical demand products | 2019 – 2020

Safety4Road: Application of an hybrid ecological material to improve road safety | 2019 – 2020

Demo-c-parts: Demonstration of injection technology assisted by water applied to complex high-performance parts | 2018 – 2020

PRODUTECH SIF: Solutions for the Industry of the Future | 2017 – 2020

TOOLING4G: Advanced Tools for Smart Manufacturing | 2017 – 2020

Add.additive: Add additive Manufacturing to Portuguese Industry – 2017 – 2020

MATIS – Materials and Sustainable Industrial Technologies | 2017 – 2020

4ADDITIVE: Implementation of advanced portuguese additive manufacturing systems on portuguese industry: systems, tools, software and training | 2016 – 2019

CompositeSteering: Pressure Thermoplastic Composite Duct | 2016 – 2019

Direct.Ceramic: Digital Manufacturing for CERAMIC’s Mass Production | 2016 – 2019

i.FILM: Multifunctional films for intelligent and active applications | 2016 – 2019

Institu.BIOMAS: Reinvent biomanufacturing systems by using an usability approach for in situ clinic temporary implants fabrication | 2016 – 2019

Multi-path.H2O: Multi ramification hollow injection for water assisted moulding | 2016 – 2019

NEXT.Parts: Next-Generation of Advanced Hybrid Parts | 2016 – 2019

WOWW: World of outstanding wool and wood | 2016 – 2019

CoolGrafeno: Graphene as solution for micro mould rapid cooling | 2016 – 2018

Inmouldlabel: Incorporation of enhanced optical security devices in to injection moulded parts to validate authenticity | 2016 – 2018

WaterSHAPE: Shape adaptive projectile for high performance water assisted injection moulding process | 2016 – 2018


PAMI: Portuguese Additive Manufacturing Initiative | 2017 – 2020

2bio4cartilage: Integrated intervention program for prevention and treatment of cartilage lesions | 2017 – 2019

BioMaTE: A novel bio-manufacturing system to produce bioactive scaffolds for tissue engineering | 2016 – 2019

STRETCHTRONICS: Soft and stretchable mechatronics for wearable devices – fabrication, implementation and applications | 2016 – 2019

ADAPTPROSTHESIS: Development of smart designed adaptive prosthesis for orthopedic applications | 2016 – 2019

UC4EP: Understanding crystallization for enhanced polymer properties | 2016 – 2018

Stimuli2BioScaffold: Optimização de estímulos em BioScaffolds: da modelação numérica aos testes in vitro


RoTMI: Rotomolding Technology and Materials Innovations | 2018 – 2021

ADD.VITRUM – Direct Digital Manufacturing of Glass Products | 2018 – 2021

PrintONorgans – Engineering Bioinks and Processes for Direct Printing on Organs | 2018 – 2022

AM4CER: Additive Manufacturing for Industrial Ceramics | 2020 – 2023

Generative.Thermodynamic – Generative conformal channels for high performance heat exchange applications | 2020 – 2023

Leather.ADD.Wood – Produção de aglomerados híbridos de couro e madeira com acabamento superficial em couro | 2020 – 2023

PAPEPO – Papel Pedra Portugal – Circular economy solution for the recovery of limestone extraction and exploitation waste | 2021 – 2023

Water2move – Produção de componentes ocos com recurso a espumas poliméricas com informação embutida e possibilidade de adição de polímeros mais densos ou compósitos na sua superfície | 2020 – 2023


LDPWood: Composite materials for low density parts with wood fiber reinforcements | 2017 – 2018

Sinalplas | 2016 – 2017

Mechanical tests | 2013 – 2017

Lenticular: Development of a cylindrical lens panel system for viewing multiple motion images | 2015

MakerEmpreende: Acquisition of consultancy services in the field of entrepreneurship | 2015

PRINTshoes: Development and prototyping of new products | 2015

TireSafely: Development of a recycled tire road plummet protector | 2015

Archi.Maker: Computer Aided Manufacturing oriented towards architectural models | 2014

EcoIso: Totally Ecological Injected Foam Insulation | 2014

Thermal.Tech: Development and implementation of methodologies and techniques for thermographic monitoring of industrial units | 2014

Zora | 2014

InnovCom | 2013 – 2015

SunTurbine | 2013

MouseTech | 2013

ProtectPlus | 2013

Arquétipo | 2013

Hot&Cooling | 2013

Additive.PIM | 2018 – 2021


European Comission

ADDISPACE – Platform for the dissemination and transfer of Additive Manufacturing technologies in the SUDOE aerospace industry | 2016 – 2019

INFINITY – International Fellowship In Transdisciplinarity | 2013 – 2017

HydroZONES – Bioactivated hierarchical hydrogels as zonal implants for articular cartilage regeneration | 2013 – 2017

SKELGEN – Establishment of a cross continent consortium for enhancing regenerative medicine in skeletal tissues | 2016

Eco-sustainable food packaging based on polymer nanomaterials | 2014

IREBID – International exchange for biomedical devices, design and prototyping | 2014

Beam time projects (EU)

Understanding the Crystallisation (of Polymers) for Enhanced Properties – Phase 2 (ALBA, Barcelona, Spain) | 2017

Understanding the Crystallisation (of Polymers) for Enhanced Properties – Phase 1 (ALBA, Barcelona, Spain) | 2016

Combined scafolld and conductivity measurements of novel elastic nanocomposites during deformation or thermal cycling (ALBA, Barcelona, Spain) | 2014

Multiscale time-resolving study of crystallisation in isotactic polypropylene (ISIS, Oxford, UK) | 2013

Multiscale time-resolving study of the transformation of a diblock copolymer from the disordered to lamellar phase (ISIS, Oxford, UK) | 2013

Time-resolved in-situ SAXS studies of deformation of scaffolds for regenerative medicine (ALBA, Barcelona, Spain) | 2013


Bilateral Projects

Green Thermosets – Nanocomposites of Rosin/Maghnite | 2017 – 2019


Easy Blood Crossmatch | 2017 – 2018

Innovative infusion system with air inlet shutter and protection system for infusion line connections | 2013 – 2014

BIOPotINJET – biodegradable vessel injection | 2013 – 2014

ThermoDiCOM | 2013 – 2014

OPEN – Think to create | 2012 – 2013

CCDR-C (Portuguese Regional Research Comission)

New CDRSP-IPLeiria Building | 2011 – 2015 

Programme “Ciência Viva”

The Bionic Body | 2013-2014

Materializa! From the idea to the real | 2013-2014